posse comitatus / ˈpɒs i ˌkɒm ɪˈtɑ təs, -ˈteɪ- /


posse comitatus 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the body of persons that a peace officer of a county is empowered to call upon for assistance in preserving the peace, making arrests, and serving writs.
  2. a body of persons so called into service.

posse comitatus 近义词

posse comitatus

等同于 SWAT team

posse comitatus 的近义词 3

更多posse comitatus例句

  1. Up till then I was just a dog-assed heavy, one of the posse.
  2. The crowd is an assortment of reporters, posse members, film students, and very skittish men sporting huge AOL headphones.
  3. Chavez had posted status updates about his recovery, alongside images of friends and the Insane Clown Posse.
  4. Before Escobar and his posse would surrender, the drug kingpin had a few stipulations.
  5. He also mentioned that the head writer, Jim Downey, was part of the SNL posse that came to see the auditions.
  6. He even felt a certain enjoyment in the discomfiture of the self-constituted posse of searchers for stolen goods.
  7. Hc mihi videtur esse posse commodissima & sufficiens narrandorum omnium expositio.
  8. The posse found the cabin deserted, except for the presence of a lame, old man who was reported as the cook for the outfit.
  9. Went on to Suvla and landed with all my posse, remaining in consultation with Corps Headquarters till 3.30.
  10. And where he ate the sheriff and his posse would likewise have to dine.